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Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2014
Book title : 101 ativity for teaching creativity and problem solving
Author : Arthur B. VanGundy
Publisher : Pfeiffer
Date Published : 2005
Genre : Book
Why did you decide to read this book ?
Because this book told about how to get creativity or generating the new idea or creativity to solve problem
Were you glad that you decided to read it ? Explain.
In chapter one, which explain the content on this book and explain little know about creativity and generating creativity.
What did you like best about this book ?
This book told about how to generating the new idea or creativity, which can open up the new world, new insight and new ways. This book also give the advatages work group than individually
What did you like least ?
I think I like more this book than the least of this book, because I’m sure this book will very useful for the readers
Would you recommend this book to a friend ? Explain.
I would recommend my friend because this book give many advatages to us how to made or generating new ideas or creativity
On a scale of 1-10, how difficult was this book for you ? (1=easy, 10=difficult) why ?
According to me, I have scale of 6. Because this book understandable although sometimes I found some difficult words.